Community Peace Baithak (CPB)
Maripur youth get many learning
opportunities through youth programs so it
was observed that community members aged
above 35 were also willing to learn courses
and need to engage in different activities but
due to age criteria they could not become the
part. In January 2019, DAI introduced
Community Peace Baithak in Maripur area of
Karachi. The main objective of the project was to
sensitize about the basic rights and create peace
and harmony among the people of the area.
The Idea of Community Peace Baithak (CPB) was to engage the elder people of the community
men and women both from different cultures, backgrounds, linguistics and religions sit together
to promote peace and harmony through organizing different awareness sessions and positive
activities to remove their misconceptions and negative stereotypes in community and able them
to play a positive role in their community.
CPB has been very effective to engage strata of society (such as shopkeepers, laborers,
housewives, home-based workers, transgender, senior citizens, drivers, street hawkers, etc.) in
the Center and provided them with opportunities to interact with other community members
from diverse backgrounds using positive activities since project initiated.
Team has engaged 2372 community members including men and women in 63 different
activities and events. Renowned speakers were invited from various organizations to conduct
sessions on different topics and events were organized to deliver positive messages.
Community members were enrolled in daily and weekly activities such as Yoga Classes (for
women only), Computer Classes, English Language Classes, Photo & Videography Classes and
Creative Writing Classes. They were benefited through the project and own the center for further
CPB Mobilizers completed 60 mobilization visits in Maripur where they approached 22 areas
including suburbs of Maripur. They met overall 132 stakeholders/community members, who
motivated a large number of communities.
Men community members became enable to speak and write in Basic English Language.
There were 04 Men and 08 Women students of computer class who took admission in English
Language class due to their interest.
Women learnt and became aware about the violence activities on women. In the first weekly
activity there were 35 women participants were disengaged. Activity increased the participation
of youth community members which increased the further participation in activity engagement.
Total 06 large outreach sessions (03 Men 03 Women) as per the grant. In these sessions total
number of participants was 295 in which 130 Men and 165 Women attended the session.